Nationwide Superbowl Ad

This ad...oh the words I would love to use...the ad that Nationwide Insurance aired during the superbowl was tasteless and inconsiderate to say the least. If ever there was a posterboard description of the gap between society and the grief-stricken this is it.  I have been in conversations with hundreds over the last 24 hours discussing this commercial.  One of the bloggers who I follow contacted Nationwide directly, and they stated that the ad was meant to raise awareness, which is great, PLEASE raise awareness that the world is a deathtrap, seriously, because it is, but DONT USE A "DEAD" KID TO DO IT.  This was not okay!  For those of you who haven't watched it or didn't see it, it is a little boy talking about how he will never learn to ride a bike, never get cooties, never get married, never learn to fly, because he died in an accident.  And then it goes on to depict a TV fallen over smashed on the floor, a chemical cupboard door left open with dishwasher tabs spilled......and a tub overflowing with water.  And the slogan is "Help us protect what matters most" or some crap like that...the nerve that has been struck by SO many moms and dads, myself included, is the implication that insurance prevents accidents.  ARE YOU FRICKIN KIDDING ME????  Khy could not have been saved by a piece of paper, and that's not even the purpose that insurance serves! Insurance is to replace lost things...which is another nerve...because even after childloss, the life insurance can't bring them back it's just amount of money will ever bring back what was lost.  I personally am deeeeeply offended by this commercial.  The blogger that I mentioned before invited the CEO of Nationwide to the National Grief Convention, as an attempt to help bridge the gap between the griever and society, it's an issue of ignorance and lack of understanding. Ohh there really just aren't enough words to explain what's going on in my head.  I understand that if you haven't been in this position you won't udnerstand, but a little consideration...or even side seriously, how did you NOT know that using a "dead" kid as propaganda was going to infuriate millions of bereaved parents? OI VEY!

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